Scribe’s Codex

BeGinner package


1-on-1 Coaching

Creating your world can be hard. Let me help you out. It doesn’t matter if you are starting out, are stuck, in the middle of writing, editing, or have published your book. World building is something just as important as Character Development. The world they are in helps to flesh out the person. Let’s get to talking about world building.

  • A 60-minute recorded zoom call with me.

  • A video copy of the meeting within 24hrs

  • Written notes from our meeting.

  • A transcript of the zoom call within 48hrs.

  • A plan to tackle your world.

  • 30 days unlimited email correspondences

Click below to fill out the form to set up your free coaching session. You will receive confirmation within 24 hours. I take Sundays as a day of rest so if you fill it out on this day I will reach out to you on Monday.


Scribe’s Codex

The Scribe’s Codex is a customizable series bible. In this beginner’s pack you can choose 10 different templates based on the needs of your story. With several different ways to adjust the templates, the world is at your fingertips.

  1. Main Character: Goes into detail from looks, to past, to emotional state for a well rounded character.

  2. Character Overview: A place to quickly write down your side characters and people who show up for a small window.

  3. Clothing: Goes into the outfits your characters or people in the world would be dressed in.

  4. Relationships: There are several different types for different kinds for writing.

  5. City-Town: No matter how big or small, the settlement will have all of the details at your fingertips.

  6. Climate-Weather: It’s very important to know the weather the characters will be in because it can influence plot, culture, and technology.

  7. Religion: There are several different kinds for writing.

  8. Governement: There are several different kinds for writing.

  9. Technology: How advanced are people? Making up something never seen before? Here’s all the information needed.

  10. Transportation: There are several different kinds depending on genre and history.

  11. Weapons: There are several different kinds depending on the story being written.

Click below to get your templates sent to you within the next 48 hours. This will give us time to customize some to your needs. I take Sundays as a day of rest, so if you fill it out on this day I will reach out to you on Monday.

 Small announcement

I will be away from my laptop for the days of June 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st. I will be celebrating my Father’s 80th birthday and Father’s Day with my family. If you sign up on those days, I will be in touch with you on Wednesday the 22nd. Thank you for your understanding.